
The Importance of Play
Early Childhood Education
A visual infograph that highlights some of the key points of why play is important for children and the best way they learn.

This website is the English version to our Wechat Channel 'Barrkinderplay'. It is a resource for educators, parents and all people interested in learning more about early childhood education. To learn more about us click 'Read More'.
Our guiding principles are:
1) Play is the purest and deepest form of learning.
2) Play and learning are deeply connected.
3) Children should be supported in following their interests
4) Children deserve to have a childhood full of play.



"The Little Boy"
By Helen Buckley
This video is based on the poem By Helen Buckley titled 'The Little Boy'. It is also known as "The Boy and The Red Flower".
It highlights the damage that can be caused when play is absent from a child's daily life. Play is not the opposite of learning but rather it strongest ally. Play and learning go hand in hand.
To learn more about THE IMPORTANCE OF PLAY click





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Go to our resources page to find our growing library of materials to deepen your understanding on play and early childhood education.
You can find infographs, posters, ebooks as well as other items to help you delve deeper into the world of play based education. You can also find our 'In Conversation with the Experts' series of videos.


Email us at barr.kinderplay@gmail.com and we will do our best to get back to you or scan and follow our WeChat channel for more resources in English and Chinese.